Translational Research

The very nature of pathology is research effort. Improving patient treatment is a direct result of expanding our knowledge of illness pathophysiology. Laboratorians are the best at correctly identifying, noting, and classifying study specimens due to their special position. Additionally, they are necessary for the precise interpretation of genomic tests. Through regular interaction with doctors and patients, cytopathologists are currently assuming a more central role in patient care.

Role Of The Pathologist In Precision Medicine

Over time, pathology has changed as a profession. In the past, pathology primarily concentrated on defining the macroscopic characteristics of various organs with lesions found through dissection. The role of the pathologist was later further defined by the use of microscopes. Recent developments in immunohistochemistry and molecular analysis have improved the pathologist’s role to provide more prognostic and predictive data.

Research In Pathology

The tissues and biofluids required for study are kept by pathologists, who are also the best at accurately annotating the specimens.

To assure the adoption of the most accurate and up-to-date classification of diseases, a pathology review is required.

It is easier for pathologists to decipher the results of challenging molecular testing carried out in their facilities.

The best tissue will be chosen for molecular analysis by pathologists.

Understanding subcellular morphology allows pathologists to expand the scope of their studies.

There Are Certain Fields Of Research That Are Especially Suited For Pathologists Including:

Biomarker discovery research;

Histomorphology and immunohistochemistry-based prognostic markers ;

Predictive biomarkers ;

Health utilization research ;

Quality-assurance research ;

Pathology education research ;

Accurate tumor classification based on molecular analysis ;

Case reports and case series for rare, unique pathologic entities ;

Morphologic/biologic correlation research ;

Big data analysis;

Digital Pathology Association

European Society of Digital and Integrative Pathology

Archives digital pathology association

Digital Pathology Association (DPA)


International Clinical Guidelines for the Adoption of Digital Pathology

Digital Image Analysis Association.

Digital Pathology Companies




Myriad Genetics

Ibex Medical Analytics

Reveal Bioscience


Radiohistomics ;

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