Quality Management

Enabling remote diagnoses to be made at home, during times of social withdrawal or self-isolation, digital pathology has the capacity to address some of these unique issues. Despite the fact that digital pathology enables diagnoses to be made on regular computer screens, uncontrolled home environments might not be ideal viewing locations. Additionally, there is a dearth of experimental data to back up the minimal display specifications for digital pathology. A Point-of-Use Quality Assurance tool is presented in this study for the online evaluation of viewing circumstances for reporting digital pathology slides.

Quality Control In Pathology Laboratory

One of the most significant effects of quality control (QC) on laboratory testing is the assurance of the precision and accuracy of patient sample results. The maintenance of overall quality as well as fulfilling the requirements of proficiency testing depend on the integrity of quality control samples.

How Can You Maintain Quality Control

Make careful to follow the normal operating procedure when collecting samples in order to reduce pre-analytical mistakes. The name of the lab, the date of collection, the source, and the test to be performed are all clearly labelled on samples and test supplies.

Main Basic Principle Of Quality Control In Laboratory?

The reported laboratory values should match the accurate or anticipated values, according to a fundamental tenet of quality control.

Quality Control

When quality control is carried out correctly, it can identify and fix problems in a lab’s analytical procedures before potentially inaccurate patient results are disclosed. Failure of QC testing can be caused by “clerical, methodological, technical, PT materials stability, and random errors, A laboratory can self-regulate its testing and ensure that the results are accurate and precise by using quality control procedures. Clinical labs optimise the overall quality control process by managing documents and implementing a continuous improvement strategy.

Diagnostic Pathology Companies

Biorasi LLC


Clinipace Clinical Research Pvt Ltd

Medpace Clinical Research India Pvt Ltd

IMV India Pvt Ltd

MMSH Clinical Research Pvt Ltd

Pellucid Healthcare Networks Pvt Ltd

Prognostics In-Med Pvt Ltd

Aarthi Scans and Labs

Abbott Diagnostics Medical Pvt Ltd

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