Speech Title:

Cytological Diagnosis of Peritoneal Washings for the Detection of free Cancer Cells in Patients With Gastric Cancer
Ms. Maria Putova_12 World Digital Pathology & AI UCGCongress

12th World Digital Pathology & AI UCGCongress from Dec 17-19, 2024 in Dubai, UAE.

To submit presentation, abstract or paper visit: https://digitalpathology.ucgconferences.com/submit-abstract/ 
Don’t miss this opportunity register here: https://digitalpathology.ucgconferences.com/registration/
Online register here: https://digitalpathology.ucgconferences.com/online-registration/

Digital Pathology & AI Conferences, Digital Pathology Expo, Machine Learning and AI Exhibitions Clinical Pathologymeetings, Computational Pathology Congress, Digital Pathology Workshop, Digital Pathologl Symposiums, Digital Pathology & AI Seminars

#DiagnosticTools #DiagnosticTechniques #DiagnosisAndTreatment #DifferentialDiagnosis

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