
Dr. Konstantin Maksin obtained his PhD from the Poznań University of Medical Sciences (PUMS), Poland, in 2017 for the dissertation entitled: Impact of Stromal Cell Condition on the Development of Papillary Thyroid Cancer. The research method he proposed can be highly significant for cancer prognosis. He works at the Poznan University of Medical Sciences (Poland) in the Pathology Ward.
He also collaborates with Moffitt Cancer Center as a consultant for Noemi Andor Lab. He has published in a number of journals, including Cancer Letters, Oncotarget, Cell Death Disease, Free Radical Biological Medicine, or Clinical and Experimental Metastasis.

He will be presenting his talk at the 10th World Digital Pathology & AI UCGCongress on April 04-06, 2023 in Berlin, Germany.

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